
It all starts with your domain registration

What is a domain?

Domain Registration is the process of registering or reserving your domain.  A domain is a website address that can be easily remembered. It connects people to your website or personalised email which is hosted on servers but one can reserve a domain without any hosting.  An example of a domain is www.google.com. or kingcom.co.za. and a personal email is info@kingcom.co.za.

Competitive Domain Prices, Right Here!


R80.00 1 yr


R259.00 1 yr


R359.00 1 yr


R335.00 1 yr


R300.00 1 yr
Why do I need a domain?
Websites are hosted on servers which have IP address for example .  This makes if difficult to remember. A domain is memorable and unique. A domain name is also necessary to setup a personal or custom email. like bob@mybusiness.com
Can I add web hosting later?

Definitely, as long as you renew your domain,  you can add hosting or design your website when you are ready. In the mean time  your domain can be re-directed to another web page or social media profile.

When should I register a domain?
If you are set on the name that you are looking for and the domain is available. It is advised to register the domain. Domains are registered on a first come first serve basis so there are no guarantees that it will be available the next time you search.
How long does it take to transfer a domain?
It is difficult to estimate how long it will take since the owner and the registrar will have to accept the transfer request. co.za and other local domains (South Africa) can be transferred within minutes. Whilst .com and other international tld’s can take between 5 to 7 working days. (This is often done without any service interruptions
DomainPriceYearsRenewal PriceTransfer Price
.comR259.01 R259.0R259.0
.co.zaR80.01 R100.0R100.0
.orgR335.01 R335.0R335.0
.netR359.01 R379.0R379.0
.mobiR199.01 R519.0R199.0
.infoR169.01 R419.0R419.0
.dentalR795.01 R795.0R795.0
.lifeR769.11 R769.1R769.1
.tvR769.11 R769.1R769.1
.businessR300.01 R300.0R300.0
.org.zaR99.01 R99.0R99.0
.co.ukR199.01 R199.0R199.0
.bizR384.51 R384.5R384.5
.dentistR975.01 R975.0R975.0